Četrnaestodnevna samoizolacija pomoraca prije ukrcaja u Singapuru je kricijalna
Following an incident where a crew member was diagnosed with COVID-19 upon arrival in Singapore,…
Following an incident where a crew member was diagnosed with COVID-19 upon arrival in Singapore,…
CapesizeAs the halfway mark of 2020 arrives, the capesize market is making new highs for…
International shipping association BIMCO has launched a special Covid-19 crew change clause for time charter…
Međunarodni monetarni fond (MMF) smanjio je prognozu pada globalne ekonomije u 2020. na minus 4,9%…
Day of the Seafarer 2020 Message by Kitack Lim, Secretary-General International Maritime Organization Seafarers are…
Međunarodna federacija transportnih radnika (ITF) objavila je letak koji upućuje pomorce u njihova prava vezano…
The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) and its affiliated seafarers’ unions will now assist hundreds…
In a major step forward in getting crew changes moving again Hong Kong is to…
Član Upravnog odbora Udruženja pomorskih kapetana Crne Gore, Janko Milutin, ocijenio je da je pandemija…
DNV GL has launched a new certification in infection prevention for the maritime industry aimed…
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